Saturday, September 26, 2009

Say what?

Mr. Harvey in high school used to give us an assignment to write and write and not stop for ten minutes straight without worrying about spelling or punctuation or grammar or anything at all I could never do it well because the constraints of language overwhelmed my desire to obey, and so now I will attempt it while typing, hoping that perhaps I will manage to ignore that automatic backspace and just type type type... I will still punctuate some. I have to. I tried there at the beginning but I could not do it without simply running on, which makes me uncomfortable. If you are reading this, and see a word which I manage to leave spelled wrong, please know that it was very difficult for me to leave it. I have left a couple but can't get more than a word or two past it before I simply MUST go back and correct it.
It is officially the wee hours of the morning, and rather than sleep I sit at the computer, typing and typing and not even for any great purpose, only typing words without meaning. One floor above, my daughter sleeps in a chair because she is not feeling well and I need to be able to hear her when she wakes and cries. Poor darling baby girl. She is so sweet and so innocent, and her nose and one eye are so full of gunk. She felt a little feverish today, too. It is so hard to send your little one to "school" with other babies during cold and flu season.
She cries out now, and I wonder if I should rush to her side or let her drift off to sleep again. If I go to her, she will wake more fully, I am sure... And yet... I go.