Sunday, March 27, 2011

So I'm a Chicken at Heart

At one point last year, a friend on Facebook (do I have any other kind?) posted that she was looking for blogs to follow, and asked if anyone had one she hadn't found yet. I replied with something like, "Yes, I do, but you'll never find it!!" And then I sat there, with the arrow poised over the "reply" button...
... and I deleted the reply. After all, if someone KNEW I had one and wanted to find it, would it be challenging to find it? I didn't know. Did I want someone to read it? Well, yes, and yet...

Last week, after writing a new post that had been weighing on my mind for some time, I took the plunge and posted a link to this blog on my FB page. Then I worried. What if no one bothered to read it? What if someone did? What if they didn't like it? What if they made fun of me? What if??

And this time, I left it. And suddenly, my blog says that I have three followers. Wow! One seems to be following it privately, so I don't know who it is, but three (3) is three times as many as I had last year.

Now, do I dare ever write anything else?


Anonymous said...

I certaninly hope you dare write again. I have been enjoying reading your new and older posts. I think it is a great way to get you writing again! One of these days,I am going to come up with that killer idea, and then we'll be rich, rich, RICH I tell you! BWAHAHAHAHAHA.. Oh sorry about that.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Michelle! I am glad you liked my older stuff. I am hoping that having "followers" will encourage me to actually write something more often.